Sunday, March 21, 2010

The beginning....

It's Sunday and I am avoiding doing laundry. We are leaving tomorrow on our annual trek to Tucson to watch our "boys of summer" play spring training. Instead of laundry I am typing this post, the first post, of this new adventure. Why? Why start a blog? I have always felt like I wanted to write "something"....a short story, a novel,something. I was explaining to my kids (students) about having a purpose and audience for their writing. One of them suggested blogging and a light bulb went on. There is nothing extraordinary about me, or my experiences, but maybe someone, somewhere, will be able to relate and even giggle at my stories. I hope so!

I have gotten sucked into HGTV while doing the wash. I don't know why these home buying/remodeling shows have a hypnotizing effect on me. My rearend has melded into the couch, and I can't find the strength to pull myself away or even change the channel. It makes me want to renovate the house....but that will have to wait for several other projects to get finished.

List for today: laundry, packing, begin work on ADK scrapbook (more on that some other time).....first of all....must turn off the TV!

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