Thursday, April 1, 2010

Parent Conference Gems

We had spring conferences tonight. I love to chat and see parents that we don't see all the time...but I HATE conferences. We had relatively few this evening, which was good....but they didn't seem to be too productive. I do have to share one episode that I thought was pretty ironic.
The mother was listening to how her son wasn't always prepared for his Language Arts class while they were reading "Tom Sawyer", the LA teacher was expressing how the boy needed to stay up on his reading this quarter while reading Diary of Anne Frank. The mother went on this long diatribe about how she didn't blame him because those aren't interesting books (are you kidding me??)and how if your not connected with what your reading, then you shouldn't be reading it. Basically the typical bailer...anyway 5 minutes later I was suggesting that we test this boy orally because there seems to be a disconnect between his test scores and his ability. The mom then went on a spree about how she doesn't want us to change anything for him and how he needs to realize the world doesn't revolve around him and he just needs to do what we ask him to was like the exact opposite as what she was saying about the books! I had to laugh!

Also...side report card day, listening to the kids talk about their grades always makes me chuckle. I especially love to catch snippets of how they think they can fool their parents about why they got a certain grade or how much so and so teacher must hate them to give them a low funny!

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